Excellent! 640 Students Walk and Talk
by Gerald V. Paul
“It’s wonderful to see 640 students from four High Schools with educators, parents, including CUPE and Scotiabank Toronto Carnival representatives serving as Marshalls, leaving from C.W. Jefferys on a journey to Osgoode Hall, York University. Thanks to Dr. Carl James, Dean of Education and Dr. Alice Pitt, Vice-Provost, Academic, for enabling the Walk With Excellence.”
These were the joyful words of Itah Sadu, the renowned writer/storyteller who is a driving force behind the Second Annual Walk With Excellence parade and award ceremony.
It was a celebration of a rite of passage for local youth, as they progressed from high school to post-secondary education. It was also a public demonstration of student achievement.
Sadu, co-owner of A Different Booklist, said the graduating students hailed from C. W. Jefferys, Westview Centennial, Downsview Secondary, and Emery Collegiate.
Vice-Provost, Academics, Dr. Alice Pitt, who rushed off from a graduation ceremony stage to attend the event, said: “I want to congratulate all the students for being here and I thank all those responsible for the event”
Professor Pitt noted that it was an exciting day for York U as a post-secondary institution, in light of its mission statement ‘social justice and accessible education.’
Special mention must be made of Fawad Habeeb, a student from C.W. Jefferys, whose presentation resonated in his fellow students’ hearts. He trumpeted: “We are doing great things now and will continue to do greatness.”
This charismatic and charming C.W. Jefferys student took centre stage as he rallied the gathering to thunderous applause. “The best thing in life is that we are able to choose the path in order for our dreams to be realized,” Habeed said.
He encouraged the students: “As we go about life, leaving our High Schools, we must remember to treasure the past, define the present and live for the future.”