By Gerald V. Paul

Eyes reached into the ‘Rev. Gerald V. Paul Library’ and reflected on Dr. C. Peter Wagner’s On Earth as it is in Heaven: Answer God’s call to transform the world.
A missionary who served in the Caribbean and South Africa, theologian and author of 70 books, Wagner referenced the Lord’s Prayer: “Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matt.6:10).
The great reformation preacher John Wesley said, “In prayer I learned that without God I cannot and without me God will not.” Wesley seems to say what we do really matters. It not only matters to the world and to those around us but it also matters to God. Ah! And it’s a matter of choice. But he gives us the glorious freedom to make!
It’s a choice to accept or reject.
God sent Jesus in true human flesh to do what Adam failed to do. Jesus lived a human life of purity and obedience to the Father. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8).
Indeed, Dearly Beloved Eyesers, God desires His people to be actively involved in the society in which they live and promote the values and prosperity of the kingdom for everyone. But it’s all about others. Not just about mere prosperity theology in de Lexus in North America, given the donkey cart kingdom worship in the Caribbean. No / Ent? LOL. Abee a call it, neva see … Come to see. Nah suh?
Eyesers, in On Earth as it is in Heaven, Wagner brings Spirit-inspired answers to the discussion of how we can accomplish the task and shows how God has revealed new strategies to bring His kingdom to this planet.
In this powerful study, the Missiologist also address the following:
Is wealth a legitimate tool of the Church?
Does God allow His people to make some decisions about the future?
How is biblical theology of dominion operational in our world today?
Yes, Prof. Wagner’s groundbreaking study lays a biblical, theological and inspirational foundation for the mandate God has given His people.
However, we must understand, while committed followers of Christ – not mere Christians – will embrace these values, many non-Christians also agree the societies in which we live should move in the direction of experiencing more peace, justice, prosperity, health, righteousness, joy, harmony, love and freedom, democracy, and they also want to participate personally in such a transformation.
You see, Eyesers, it’s about spiritual social transformation.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the (rich, oops) – poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim (continued rigged elections and dictatorship?) – ouch! – liberty (freedom / democracy) to the captives (mental slavery) and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18-19).
Have a blessed CHRISTmas as we continue to do the right thing and make a difference as agents of change / change agents in the world.