A 25-year-old man is Antigua and Barbuda’s first murder victim for 2023.
Roudi Shamarly was shot in broad daylight by an armed robber at Pick ‘N Mix Mart on DeSouza Road last Monday.
Shamarly was in the adjacent Chicken Hub and reportedly rushed into the Mart where he was shot at point-blank range.
He was rushed to hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The bandit robbed the store of an unspecified amount of money.
Videos have since been circulating of the deceased lying lifeless on the floor or the store with the screams of onlookers echoing in the background.
An image of the perpetrator, dressed in a blue hoodie and a black mask, appearing to be firing the gun also surfaced shortly after the incident.
The police moved swiftly into action and later indicated that a man was in their custody undergoing interrogation.
Further reports state that the perpetrator is a minor, who was recently released from prison.
Meanwhile, it can be noted that for the first time in years, the country has gone without any murders in the first quarter of the year.