Black cops award scholarships to students

Kimberly L. Beaty will deliver the keynote address to the Association of Black Law Enforcers in Ajax.
Kimberly L. Beaty will deliver the keynote address to the Association of Black Law Enforcers in Ajax.

This Saturday eight students, most of Caribbean heritage, from the GTA will be honoured with scholarship awards by the 28th annual Gala of the Association of Black Law Enforcers (ABLE) for academic excellence and commitment to serving their community.

The event, under the theme Bridging the Gap, Fostering Community Relationships, is expected to bring together more than 500 guests from all walks of life.

The first African-American female deputy commissioner of the New York State’s Buffalo Police Department, Kimberly L. Beaty, has been invited to deliver the keynote address. She has a keen interest in promoting problem- solving strategies in community policing.

Capt. Ronald L. Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol will be recognized with a President’s Award for efforts in bridging the gap and fostering community relationships following the tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, earlier this year in which an unarmed Black teenage boy, Michael Brown, was killed by a white policeman, Darren Wilson.

The  shooting resulted in protests, looting and destruction in the city.

Sponsored in part by Durham Regional Police, the event will be at the Ajax Convention Centre in Ajax.