Yes, bannas, CARIBANA is alive and well!

Skaters at Nathan Phillips Square, doing their thing at Toronto’s famous ice rink

Although they were on ice recently, at Nathan Phillips Square, doing their thing at Toronto’s famous ice rink a quintessential Toronto experience for generations. A venue for the meeting of the minds from around the world.
It was a time of fun and laughter during the successful Second Annual CARIBANA on Ice bringing the warmth of the Caribbean to a chilly Toronto!
Next step? Flags and Colours, Children and Youth Festival July 12 at Yorkgate Mall.

Henry Gomez, General Manager/Artistic Director told The Camera, Flags and Colours 2014, will be bigger and better.”

Gomez noted that very ofter especially through the arts, our beloved children in the Jane and Finch area discover things about themselves they would not have imagined. “They develop confidence. They are able to express themselves better.” Gomez said.
And CARIBANA Chair Knia Singh added they chose to centre the festival around Jane and Finch area because it has a certain vibrancy about it- a pulse, that most people miss.

By the way, they have found a way to make sure any child who wants to participate in the carnival can do so, not matter how much money they have. Cool.