Forum offers tips for men’s health

The second-annual conference on men’s health organized by the Walnut Foundation was held in Toronto last weekend with some recurring themes throughout the discussions.

Diet and exercise are the best treatments for chronic health conditions, the conference heard. Also, know your numbers (i.e. PSA, blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI etc.). Ask if you don’t know what the numbers on your tests mean.

Other recommendations include: educate yourself about your health; take control and don’t wait for your health professional to initiate; ask questions of your health care providers; get tested.

A major problem is lack of diagnosis. Many men are diabetic and don’t know it. Don’t wait for your doctor to refer you to a diabetes education clinic since no referral is required.

Anthony Henry, a member of the planning committee, noted that “the conference was well attended and the feedback was excellent. We heard from a urologist, dietician, nutritionist, researchers, a pharmacist, a diabetes clinical nurse specialist as well as a patient who discussed how he is learning to cope with diabetes.”