Free hot meals, regardless of ethnicity, religion

Two siblings who want to share their love with others regardless of race, religion or age are offering a free hot vegetarian meal every Sundays to anyone who would walks into their Malton location.
Subhra Mukherjee and Vishal Khanna read a front page news article a few years ago about thousands of residents in the Peel region who are living below the poverty line and were appalled at the news. They were also surprised with how many people were hungry on a daily basis.
So through their registered charitable organization – Sai Dham Canada – An Institution of Love, at 7140 Goreway Drive, Mississauga, they wanted to share their good fortune. They started a kitchen, where volunteers prepare a vegetarian meal every Sunday and offer to members of the public between noon and 3 p.m.
According to Khanna, the organization, which offers meditation and coaching classes, also assist with delivering non-perishable foods to low income families, physically and mentally challenged people.
He says they have been working with a number of organizations to determine how they can make a difference in the lives of the ‘less fortunate.’
“The Malton area is a diverse community and we want everyone to know we care and respect everyone regardless of who you are, that is why we have opened our doors to anyone who would like to have free meal,” Khanna told The Camera..
He added they have what he calls a human library. “If you want to read the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagwat Gita, or any such books, it’s available. We do no separate cast or creed. Religion does not separate the needy. We are all human beings and we love everyone.”
Further information can be obtained at