Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia name members of the Progress Monitoring Committee

Linda Oland

Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs Dominic LeBlanc, Brad Johns, Nova Scotia Attorney General and Minister of Justice, have appointed 16 members to the Progress Monitoring Committee (PMC).

The Progress Monitoring Committee (PMC) was formed by the Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia in response to the final report of the Mass Casualty Commission (the Commission), which contains 130 recommendations that call on all levels of government to improve community safety, undertake policy reforms, and address root causes of violence.

Former Justice Linda Oland, Founding Chair of the PMC, led the membership proposal process. Since her appointment on May 31, 2023, Ms. Oland has spoken to families, communities, municipal governments, policing associations, gender-based violence advocacy and support sectors, Indigenous community organizations, African Canadian community organizations, and others mentioned in the Mass Casualty Commission’s (MCC) recommendations and findings. In accordance with the MCC’s recommendation regarding the diversity of representation, Ms. Oland sought to bring together regional and national perspectives.

The PMC will soon hold its first meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and begin its important work, which includes developing a plan to monitor and report on the initiatives that Canada and Nova Scotia are undertaking in response to the MCC report.

The governments of Canada and Nova Scotia will continue to advance the recommendations set out in the MCC’s Final Report to ensure a similar tragedy never happens again.

In expressing her support for the initiative, Former Justice Linda Oland, Founding Chair, Progress Monitoring Committee said, “I look forward to working with these new members who will share their knowledge, expertise and commitment to improving public safety and community well-being.”