JN Money launches ‘Pay Your Way’ service In Canada

Claude Thompson

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to restrict regular activities, JN Money has expanded it payments options to allow customers in Canada the added convenience of conducting their transactions through safer digital platforms.

In a news release, JN Money  says the new ” ‘Pay Your Way’ options allow customers to pay for their transaction with cash or a debit card at any JN Money Branch or Agent location in Canada; add their Visa/MasterCard to the platform and directly pay for their JN Money transactions online with just a click; or, pay for their JN Money transaction conveniently by email from their current online banking platform.

“To use the email service, customers ” will login to their online banking portals, select “Interac”, add JN Money as a new user with interac@jnocanada.com; and provide recipient name, transfer type, and the amount they wish to send.” the release notes.

 “The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted how we have been able to move about and how we are able to transact business or even interact with loved ones,” explained  Claude Thompson, Regional Manager of JN Money Services Canada Ltd., owner and operator of the renowned JN Money brand.

Recognizing this fact, JN Money has been exploring several ways in which we can keep families in Canada connected to their loved ones back home. As a result, we have introduced ‘Pay Your Way’ a service that enables our customers to have multiple payment options as part of our efforts to ensure they remain safe and also providing the convenience that has become synonymous with our service,” Thompson added.

With Canada becoming a new home for many nationalities, Thompson affirmed that these options would enable even more persons to stay connected to  home

“Our range of options will now enable customers to not only stay safe, but also enable the more than 300,000 Jamaicans living in Canada, or any nationality that uses our service to remain in touch with their homeland.  As Canada is now one of the preferred places to settle, I am positive that these options will enable more families that have been affected by the pandemic to benefit from the support of their loved ones,” he added.