Kamal denied ambulance at hospital

Kamaluddin Mohammed

20151105-KamalPORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Former health minister Dr. Fuad Khan has condemned the management of the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex for denying on discharge one of his predecessors – former health minister, Kamaluddin Mohammed – an ambulance to take him home from the Mount Hope complex.

In a statement, Khan said it was brought to his attention that during Kamaluddin’s discharge, “a request was made by Mohammed’s family and the staff at the hospital for an ambulance to transport him to his home, due to the severity of his condition, coupled with the unavailability of a vehicle to sufficiently comfort him during the journey.”

The request was made to the office of the CEO of North Central Regional Health Authority.

While it is common protocol for persons discharged from the hospital to arrange their own transportation, Khan said, “exceptions are also made in critical cases such as Mr Mohammed’s.”

After numerous requests were made to the management of the EW MSC which, Khan said, “incidentally was constructed during Mr. Mohammed’s tenure as minister of health, he was eventually denied the courtesy and was subsequently transported in the cramped back seat of a private vehicle.”