At the beginning of this New Year, as we approach the 28th anniversary of your favourite community newspaper, I would like to say thanks to our faithful readers, advertisers and contributors and to let you know of our exciting plans to make The Caribbean Camera more relevant to the needs of our community.
First of all, let’s not forget the people who have made important contributions to the paper and have since moved on – Gerald Paul, Raynier Maharaj, Kiff Mohammed, Peter Tang, Brad Savage. Thank you all.
I would also like to acknowledge the contributions of longtime columnists Sukhram Ramkissoon and Oscar Wailoo. Our thanks to you, as well.
And where would we be without our advertisers?
A special thanks to ACR Roti and Doubles whose advertisement has appeared in the same spot on Page 3 over the years that The Caribbean Camera has seen the light of print. Also high on our ” thank you” list of longtime advertisers are the Sharma brothers – Roop and Chet – who practice immigration and criminal law.Thanks also to Mississauga Travel and Titan Tours.
The end of the year also brought back some familiar faces such as Western Union and Moneygram. Thanks to you as well.
Recent changes in the packaging of our news and features have drawn favourable responses from many of our readers. They are part of a make-over of our paper which continues in 2018 and includes the redesign of many of our advertisements by our new Graphics Department.
Our clients can take advantage of the services of our Graphics Department for the design of their flyers, brochures and other advertising material as well as annual reports. Just give us a call and we will be happy to provide all the information which you need to avail yourself of our services.
Connecting businesses with consumers is our business and we are pleased to announce the launching at the end of this month of our community’s newest business directory- CaribConec.com
While The Caribbean Camera continues to serve our community in Ontario and on-line, we have expanded our reach nationally, adapting to the ever changing needs of today’s consumers and how they connect with businesses.
More information about CaribConec.com will be provided in upcoming issues of The Caribbean Camera.
We are also pleased to offer to our Caribbean community free announcements of births. deaths and weddings in our online edition of the paper. So please provide the information and we make sure that these events do not pass unnoticed.
A Happy New Year to all our readers, writers and advertisers!