PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Grenadian artiste Mr, Killa (Hollice Mapp), with his song “Run Wid it,” won the one million (TT) dollar Soca Monarch title here on Friday night.
Mr. Killa won in the “Power” category from a field of eight contestants, pushing Trinidadian Neil “Iwer” George into second place with his “Blessings.”Mr. Legz placed third.
In the “Groovy” section of the competition, the judges gave the nod to Swappi ( Marvin Daviswon) with his performance of ‘Party Start’. Placing second was Teddyson John, with his song“Vent.`..Third place went to V`ghn who sang “Trouble in the Morning”.
One family – the Londons – made “a clean sweep” of this year’s calypso competitions here.

THE LONDONS (from left) Rivaldo, Junior Calypso
Monarch, Ronaldo, Calypso Monarch and Young King, and Brian, Extempo Monarch
Ronaldo London took home the TT$700,000 Calypso Monarch title with his tune “Man’s Imagination” The 21-year-old singer had also won the 2019 Young Kings title.
His brother, Rivaldo London, won the 2019 junior calypso monarch while the Extempo Calypso title went to Brian London, the cousin of the Calypso Monarch.
Karene Asche placed second in the calypso monarch competition with her song, “Loco Broco,” highlighting the influx of Venezuelans in Trinidad, while last year’s calypso monarch, Helon Francis, placed third.