Quebec man filed racial profiling complaint against RCMP

Quebec resident Chrislain Kenfack has filed complaints against the RCMP and the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA), alleging he was targeted by police and security officers because he is Black.

Chrislain Kenfack

Kenfack, an immigrant from Cameroon, said his encounter began at a security gate, when his watch and buttons set off an alarm.

He said he was pulled aside and subjected to a “degrading” search that dragged on for more than 10 minutes, in view of his children. They were traveling from Alberta to Ottawa.

He says he was abused by RCMP officers at Edmonton International Airport — and racially profiled by security staff — is calling for independent investigations into his allegations.

When the security alarm was set off, he was taken aside and searched. “[I was] being touched all over, including my privates,” he said. “I felt dehumanized and disrespected.”

Kenfack said that while he was being searched, two white passengers triggered the gate alarm but were not subjected to the same treatment. The transport authority denies this allegation. He was then taken into a private screening room and searched again. As a result he missed his flight.

When he returned to the pre-boarding area to request a rebooking, CATSA staff refused to help him and repeatedly told him he was “playing the race card,” he said. A supervisor then returned to the desk flanked by three RCMP officers.

Kenfack was ordered to leave after a testy verbal exchange with the airport official. He said the officers then violently brought him to his knees, pushed him to the ground and handcuffed him.

His complaint alleges that he was targeted by police and security officers because he is Black.

The RCMP say the conduct of three officers is under investigation by its national watchdog, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission. The transport authority denies any wrongdoing by its employees.