Jay Brijpaul
Real Estate Broker
Trump has used all the elements of being successful- Number One. He had a burning desire to become president of the United States-Two .He had a goal the goal to become president -Three. He was very determined to become president-Four. He visualized becoming president to the point that he could feel it.
Now he has achieved it.
Jamil Asinia
One of the things that happened is that the staff in black areas were having problems in the polling stations. So maybe Trump was right when he said the system was rigged. Now I hear a lot of people talking about moving to Canada, Trinidad and all over
Jemael Ramsumair
Graphic designer & DJ
Nobody wants to admit it but he was saying what America wanted to hear. I didn’t want him to win but I am not surprised . And the way he won! He trumped Hillary. She didn’t have a chance. Trump has never retracted anything, no matter what he says.
Wendy Jones
I am saddened and disappointed by the outcome of this election. But being a woman of colour, I can clearly see that white America has spoken and what the political parties stood for.The issues that were discussed in every forum at times left me speechless as to the behavior of the now elected president. I pray now that the new president will have a change of heart. Ss they say, God bless America . I will keep them in my prayers. They need them .
Wendy Bernard
Well I am not happy about Trump’s victory. Clinton could have been a better role model for the country. Trump seem to be more talk than action. So I don’t know what to expect from him. Ever since the Apprentice show, I did not like the way he spoke to people.
Kenton Chance
Correctional Officer
I don’t think that America is ready to accept a female president . Some of the campaign slogans resonated with the American people and he (Trump) had the rhetoric with immigration policies. So I guess democracy wins. He won because they wanted change. They saw her as an extension of Obama and that’s the change that they got.