Former First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, Tuesday afternoon, was given a standing ovation at Ryerson University’s Mattamy Athletic Center, where about 3,000 individuals had gathered to listen her discus gender equality, politics and economics. Obama shared the stage with Rhiannon Traill, president and CEO of the Economic Club of Canada.
The sold-out event attracted a price tag of between $250 and $1,500, however, for every ticket that was sold, another was given to individuals between the ages of 14 and 24.
The hour-long discussion had Obama, who was making her first visit to Canada since leaving the White House in January, talking on topics such as education, social media and eating pizza with Jesus.
On education, Obama posited that students should be their own advocates for how they learn, although she placed some responsibility on the system.
When asked how schools can serve students with different learning styles, Obama said, “we’re not putting our best minds to use in solving that. And that particularly affects girls, because girls learn differently from boys. Often, our method of teaching scares girls away from STEM courses. I was one of those girls. That’s why I’m a lawyer. I wasn’t going to take lab and do math.
“When you don’t understand something, raise your hand. You should assume that if you don’t understand it, it means they need to explain it more,” the former First Lady said.
She took a jab a President of the United States of America, Donald Trump and his social media practices.
Obama said, “never do I ever post anything from my bed at night nor do I wake up and say, ‘I know what I think! Let me share this with the world’. Effective communication is about thought.
“It takes time to think through what you really want to say. Then you need to edit it and spellcheck it. You know, maybe throw some punctuation in there, so people really understand what you mean,” Obama said.
The President has tweeted at various hours of the night or morning on a wide range of issues including government policies, which has drawn criticism from various sections of the American society.
In cautioning the youths about their use of social media, Michelle Obama said, “if you’re going to use this medium, then you have to really be mature and thoughtful. It’s being handed to you like your frontal lobes have closed and they haven’t.”
Describing Canadians as kind, neighborly and open-minded, Obama told the audience that at present she has no plans to run for President of the United States in 2020.
“So many people come to me saying, ‘Michelle, we want you to run for President,’” she said, as the crowd erupted into cheers. “Oh, shut up,” she joked, with an eye roll.
“One person can’t make the change. And that’s a good thing, that no one person can fix all this. That means that no one person can break all this, either,” she said.
She admitted to being star-struck when she met Queen Elizabeth the first time, as she touched her, although she knew that this was technically against the rules.
“She touched me first! I thought it was a nice thing to do,” she said.
And who, whether dead or alive, would she have over as host of a dinner party and what would she feed that person? “Jesus Christ,” Obama replied to laughter from the crowd. “And I’d probably serve him pizza. I would think Jesus has access to a lot of great food, but pizza is universal.”