Worldwide horror at Taliban massacre of 132 children
By Michael Lashley The shock we feel on learning of the horrible violence visited on the adults and children in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, cannot be properly addressed in […]
By Michael Lashley The shock we feel on learning of the horrible violence visited on the adults and children in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, cannot be properly addressed in […]
A fundraising dinner is planned for those who want to make a difference in the lives of abused women and children, domestic violence survivors and people living in poverty, who […]
By Jasminee Sahoye We often hear in the Caribbean “spare the rod and spoil the child” which comes from Proverbs 13:24: “He who spares the rod hates his son, but […]
By Michael Lashley The Nubian Book Club is a perfect example of “the village”, the ideal community which raises a mentally alert, self-confident, motivated and socially well-adjusted child. It is […]
Feds reduce age limit for children The federal government is amending the immigration regulations which deal with the children of landed immigrants as protected persons in Canada with respect to […]
Feds face fight over refugee health cuts By Jasminee Sahoye In 2002, when a Guyanese family who claimed their lives were at risk had their refugee status application denied, they […]
Efficient filtration solutions exist to clean air and protect people but few are aware of the benefits of clean air for productivity or controlling costs. Protecting people from tthe health […]
Toronto’s first murder victim for 2013 has Caribbean roots. Evadne Williams-Scott, age 2, was found dead at the Mississauga home of her Canadian-born mother Teresa Williams on New Year’s Day. […]