Take a walk for Grenada’s health

Take a walk for Grenada’s health

How far would you walk for better health care? On July 20 at York Memorial Collegiate, you can find out.

Spice Youth Toronto Community Initiative will hold a fundraising walk for better healthcare in Grenada, starting at 9 a.m., under the theme
“One Community. One Goal. Better Healthcare.” A Family Day follows at the school, at 2690 Eglinton Ave. W., with Grenadian cuisine, a soccer tournament and kids’ activities.

“Too often we have heard of the devastating results of lack of adequate resources at the various hospitals and medical centres on the island and in Carriacou, ranging from preventable deaths to amputations. This is our chance to make a difference and with your support we know we can do it,” the group says in a release.

The goal is $5,000 in pledges and donations, directed to Grenada Hospitals Assistance Fund, a registered Canadian charity which provides for improved healthcare in Grenada through the purchase of medical equipment and supplies. Pledges of $20 qualify for a tax receipt.

Pledges can be made at www.chimp.net/give or by emailing spiceyouthtoronto@gmail.com or calling 647-203-5957.  For information on the route, the organization and how to register, visit www.spiceyouthwalkathon.wordpress.com or www.spiceyouthtoronto.com.www.spiceyouthtoronto.com.