Fusion of Taste returns to Toronto’s west end

The annual Albion-Islington Fusion of Taste will be back in Toronto’s west end on Saturday.

Ronnie Ramsawack Innovator, Ronnie Ramsawack,
was the first to present the Wedding-Size Paratha (buss up shot),
the Panza Roti, the world’s biggest doubles and now the world’s biggest Roti

And Ronnie Ramsawack, chairman of the district’s Business Improvement Association, has announced that Roti Roti, his popular eating establishment, will once again sponsor “ the world’s largest roti competition” as well as well as the usual “doubles eating competition” at the street festival.

More than 180 business will be taking part in the event, he said.

Ramsawack noted that there is a growing West Indian community in the Albion-Islington area and “we intend to make the event as multicultural as possible.”

“Pan Fantasy steel band will entertain the crowds with hot Caribbean music and there will also be tassa music and several performers from the area on our entertainment program,” he said

He also told The Caribbean Camera that Roti Roti is getting ready to welcome “larger numbers of people “to his Albion Road restaurant.

“Demand for our roti and other spicy specialities is growng. So we need more space in our dining area,” Ramsawack told The Caribbean Camera.

“And our expansion work which started a few weeks ago, is well underway.”

He proudly noted that when the expansion is completed, sometime  before the end of the year, the dining area will be able to accommodate “more than twice as many people as it can at present.”

“And after more than a quarter century in the roti-making business, Roti Roti will continue to maintain its high standards,” Ramsawack said, referring its slogan: Where Absolutely No Roti Is Cooked Before Its Time.”



Marisha Ramsawack gets a wedding-size Roti, ready for the Tawa.
Visitors at the Fusion of Taste 2012
Ronnie Ramsawack with the massive 64 Sq, Foot Tawa