The Boy and the Honeybees: a timely book to raise children’s eco-consciousness

By Lincoln DePradine

Desmond Loren

Just in time as an ideal Christmas present is the recently published fiction, “The Boy and the Honeybees’’, which is authored by Toronto-based Jamaican-Canadian journalist Desmond Loren Brown.

“It’s a children’s book that every member of the family should read and will enjoy reading,” said Brown.

The book, according to Brown, is based on his own experiences as a boy in Jamaica. It’s set against the backdrop of the rural community of White Hall in St. Thomas, Jamaica, and the main character is Marvin.

Marvin loves honeybees, having learnt from his mother about their importance to the natural ecosystem and of their job of pollinating flowers and helping plants grow and make honey that they share with humans.

“Honeybees are extremely important to the ecosystem and play an important role in food production and security,’’ added Brown. “But, in recent years, we have been hearing and reading a lot about how millions of honeybees are being lost. I want to encourage both children and adults to do what they can to protect the honeybees.”

The Boy And The Honeybees By: Desmond Loren

Brown wants families everywhere to consider gifting at least one child with a copy of “The Boy and the Honeybees’’.

“I’d like people to get a copy of the book for their own family, whether you are living in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, or elsewhere,’’ he said. “But, I am asking you to also consider sending one or two copies to a child or children back home, whether it is your relatives, friends or even to the primary school you attended.’’

“The Boy and the Honeybees’’ is Brown’s first publication.

“Reading is fun and it’s beautiful,’’ said Brown. “It’s a foundation for learning. All children should be afforded the opportunity to both read and learn. I hope ‘The Boy and the Honeybees’ can help play even a small part in this.”