The Theory of Journalism and then some

By Gerald V. Paul

Welcome to our newly minted Editor Brad Savage. The meeting of the minds: mainstream and community journalism.

Yes, he’s the guy of white hue or pigmentation in these days of mere Black and white, us and them. The question is can / may we all get along and get a life? We have bigger fish to fry such as building bridges of peace, love, human rights, freedom, democracy, rule of law, etc.

Brad, our effective editorial leader, is interested in the flock, not the fleece. He sees his role as a giver – to get behind our team and support us in ways that bring out our best – yet to come.

You see, Eyesers, it’s about the content of the character and not the skin. And that’s why Brad is positioned to make The Caribbean Camera newspaper the leading community voice. Trust me. Say wah? Well, if yuh can’t beat dem …? Share if yuh care. Nah suh?

Thing is Brad will be the first to tell you that it’s all about the Team Spirit, as we march forward to higher heights these close to 25 glorious years in this work of faith and labour of love! I am thankful to all, for making it possible to serve here these humble some 20-something years and counting.

By the way, Brad connected with The Camera and the peeps from day one. He is just that kind of guy – like, you know, sweet T and T, Lord, knows how a love mi country. Ent?

Of course, I tried to persuade him to wear a tie for the photo in his column but to no avail. Not a “show-off” kind of guy but a true servant leader willing to serve with passion knowing journalism’s first obligation is to the truth and its first loyalty is to citizens and its essence is a discipline of verification.

This is part of the Theory of Journalism-, posted on the wall by the Eyes guy where he can see it on a daily basis.

Yes, Eyesers, Brad is the kind of guy who believes that the practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover (thanks but no thanks fuh de daal and rice and aloo choka and curry goat). The paper must serve as an independent monitor of power (speaking truth to power) as it provides a forum for public criticism and compromise.

Indeed, Eyesers, The Camera was built on Journalism. Yes, confession is good for the soul. Numerous times, I was offered money to give to my former editor to put information in The Camera. Of course, no way!

If we were only in this task for the money we would have taken the money and run, smiling all the way to the bank, you know like the Prosperity Preachers. Amen! Ouch! Thanks, Eyesers, for your continuing to walk and talk with us as we plan the work and work the plan in 2015.

This bring me to the other point of The Theory of Journalism: It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant (comfort the poor and make uncomfortable the rich), as we keep the news comprehensive and proportional, with the given that its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.

So, Eyesers, kindly help the Eyes guy welcome our precious and priceless new Editor Brad whose excellence in The theory of Journalism has already proceeded him in our community, with a fresh, dynamic and authentic Caribbean Camera: Focused … On Your News … Many People, One Paper.

One Love.


Gerald V. Paul
Gerald V. Paul