This is your chance to confront Anti-Black Racism in Toronto

From left: Aina-Nia Ayo’dele Grant, Anthony Morgan and Surranna Sandy

The Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee advises City Council on anti-Black racism in sectors such as education, child-welfare, policing, justice, housing, and employment. Its mandate is to eliminate barriers faced by Black communities, recommend City engagement to improve access to services and programs, and ensure Black communities’ interests and needs are reflected in City programs and service delivery. The committee’s work aligns with the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent, promoting recognition, justice, and development for Black communities.

The committee is composed of 14 public members and one Member of City Council. The public members include representatives of organizations, elders, and youth members. Members receive a $125 honorarium per meeting attended.

Anti-Black Racism

The committee’s role in fighting anti-Black racism is crucial. By convening stakeholders and advising on inter-government and institutional work, it promotes a comprehensive approach to addressing systemic racism in Toronto. The committee’s focus on the UN’s themes is essential in addressing the root causes of anti-Black racism and eliminating systemic barriers for Black people.

The committee’s mandate to ensure City programs and services reflect Black communities’ interests and needs is critical in promoting equity and fairness for all residents. The committee’s work supports the Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism, building on its objectives to address systemic racism.

Overall, the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee is a critical body in promoting equity and justice for Black communities in Toronto. Its work is essential in ensuring that the City of Toronto is a fair and just place for all residents, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

This opportunity closes on April 11 2023 go to today.