Thousands get their jabs at the Jamaican Canadian  Centre  

It was vaccination time down at the Jamaican Canadian Centre in Toronto last weekend.

The Black Community Vaccine Initiative Team hosted  a Pop-up Clinic at which more than 2,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine were administered.

The clinic was open to all members of the Black, African, and Caribbean communities,18 years and over, regardless of postal code or residency status.

And persons started forming lines earlier than 6:00 a.m. on  Saturday and Sunday to ensure  that they received their doses.

Organizers of the event told The Caribbean Camera  that everyone who qualified for vaccination at the “barrier free” event received their doses.

The event was a collaboration between the the Jamaican Canadian Association, the Black Physicians Association of Ontario, CAFCAN, Black Creek Community Health Centre, the Toronto Mobile Vaccine team- and other partners and local organizations servicing the GTA’s Black community.