Windies focussing on their unique brand of cricket -Darren Bravo

Darren Bravo

West In­dies would not be over­awed by their op­po­si­tion at the up­com­ing ICC World Cup in Eng­land but would be fo­cussing on ex­e­cut­ing their unique brand of crick­et, says batsman Darren Bravo.

The two-time World Cup cham­pi­ons are not among the favourites for the May 30 to Ju­ly 14 tour­na­ment large­ly due to their low­ly num­ber nine rank­ing, with hosts and world number one England the hot favourites.

“To be hon­est, most oth­er teams are qual­i­ty teams but hav­ing said that, when we played against Eng­land no one gives us a chance. So I think that once we con­cen­trate on what we have to do as a team, I think that is the most im­por­tant thing,”  Bravo said  at  the Windies train­ing camp at 3W’s Oval in Barbados last week.

“We are not go­ing to fo­cus very much on the op­po­si­tion. We have cer­tain plans and cer­tain roles we want to ex­e­cute and I be­lieve that the re­sults will take care of it­self. As I said be­fore, no one gave us a chance against Eng­land and we went out there and proved that we can beat the best team in the world.”

Bra­vo was re­fer­ring to the re­cent five-match se­ries home se­ries against Eng­land which the hosts drew 2-2, with one match rained off.

Writ­ten off be­fore the start, West In­dies played out­stand­ing­ly af­ter los­ing the open­ing match by 26 runs at Kens­ing­ton Oval, re­bound­ing to win the sec­ond match of the dou­ble­head­er by 26 runs.

Rain forced the aban­don­ment of the third ODI in Grena­da be­fore Eng­land clinched the fourth con­test at the same venue, de­spite West In­dies’ record 389 in pur­suit of 419.

West In­dies crushed Eng­land by sev­en wick­ets in the fi­nal match in St Lu­cia, with Chris Gayle slam­ming an as­ton­ish­ing 77 off 27 balls to end the se­ries with 424 runs. “I think it was a fan­tas­tic se­ries for us as a team led bril­liant­ly by Ja­son and Chris Gayle,” Bra­vo said.

Bra­vo is part of the Windies 14-man squad prepar­ing for the tour of Ire­land which runs from May 3-17 in Dublin. They will clash with the hosts and Bangladesh in the tri­an­gu­lar se­ries.

The camp is be­ing over­seen by new in­ter­im head coach Floyd Reifer who was ap­point­ed last week, and Bra­vo said he was mak­ing the most of the prepa­ra­tion, es­pe­cial­ly with for­mer Test bats­man Ramnaresh Sar­wan play­ing a key role with the bat­ting group.

“The coach out­lines what he wants from us and we try to come up with the brand of crick­et we want to play,” said Bra­vo, who av­er­ages 32 from 102 One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als.

“Mov­ing for­ward the guys have been work­ing on their tech­ni­cal ar­eas as much as pos­si­ble. Now we have Sar­wan who came in for a cou­ple of days to help us with our bat­ting. He has been work­ing tremen­dous­ly well with us. I had a cou­ple ses­sions, so far so good.

“Hope­ful­ly he will be with us mov­ing for­ward to Ire­land be­cause I be­lieve with a young bat­ting team like this, some­one of Sar­wan ‘s stature will mean a lot to us as a bat­ting unit.”

“It has been a lot of hard work, fit­ness-wise and oth­er­wise and we are en­joy­ing it.”