Dearly Beloved Eyesers, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, “Canadians have spoken. You want a government with a vision and an agenda for this country that is positive and ambitious and hopeful.
“I promise you that I will lead that government.”
Trudeau noted that Canada is strong, not in spite of our diversity but because of it.
On Trudeau’s recent visit to Toronto, he said, “We’re going to do this right; we’re going to do this responsibly.”
With the federal budget expected to be delivered in mid-to late March, the Liberals’ goal for up to 2019-20 includes reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio to 27% and balancing the budget.
The plan is anchored in prudent forecasting, including restoring a contingency reserve as they return to surplus and not budgeting for the positive impacts of new investments.
At a news conference Trudeau said, “Our focus on infrastructure money is actually getting projects built, getting people working on things that will activate the job market in the short term but create growth and productivity gains in the medium and long term for our communities and for our country.”
So as Trudeau promised the Liberals’ first budget would be fiscally responsible, Liberal MP Gary Anandasangaree (Scarborough-Rouge Park) extended an invitation to the Eyes Guy: “Join me along with my fellow Scarborough MPs as we host our Scarborough Federal Pre-Budget Consultation #PBC16 (last Wednesday) at Scarborough Civic Centre council chambers.”
Anandasangaree is an internationally recognized human rights lawyer and community activist who has advocated tirelessly for education and justice.
Eyesers how concerned are you about the Canadian economy?
Given your concern, since you are thinking of the issues facing Canada today, which one do you say the government should most focus on? Economic growth; infrastructure; health care; middle-class families; young Canadians; taxes; child poverty; retirement; green communities; trade in Canada and with the world.
Welcome to the Grits’ Have Your Say, Budget 2016. According to the Liberals 11, 732 Canadians had given their opinion as of 4 a.m. last Tuesday.
On investing in our future, over the next decade, the Liberal government plans to invest $125 billion in public infrastructure in an effort to help those who need it most.
They also pledge that with Canada Child Benefit, nine out of 10 families will be better off, lifting hundreds of thousands of kids out of poverty. That’s my cuppa tea.
Eyesers, as Anandasangaree and his fellow Liberal MPs are giving you the opportunity to add your two cents, do so and share your ideas for the economy.
“Justin Trudeau and our Liberal government have a plan for jobs and growth,” he said. “A middle class tax cut and $3.4 billion in annual tax relief for nine million Canadians.”
So take a moment to participate in the Liberal Party of Canada’s Have Your Say, Budget 2016 survey.
Next week they will tally the responses to share with you and make a formal submission to the Department of Finance’s pre-budget consultation. Be sure that your voice is heard when the government drafts the 2016 budget. Visit and the Have Your Say, Budget 2016 link.
Meanwhile, some food for thought:
What do you think we need to do to better support our middle class? Answers are to be listed according to first choice, second choice or other.
Choices include support job and skills training that help Canadians find and keep good jobs; put more money in the pockets of families with children; cut taxes for middle-class earner; invest in pre-K learning and childcare and invest to create more jobs and better opportunities for young Canadians.
What infrastructure needs can best help meet your priorities locally?
Choices include investment in public transit; in affordable housing or in green infrastructure.
Other points to ponder include fixing the Employment Insurance system to protect Canadians; restoring fair and balanced labour laws and increasing the Guaranteed Income Supplement for single low-income seniors.
Eyesers, make yourself heard.